CPP Builder
Adding paths
This step only need to be once.
Open RAD Studio and go to:
Tools ⟶ Options... ⟶ Language ⟶ Delphi ⟶ Library
Select Windows 32-bit from Selected Platform combobox. As RAD Studio IDE is 32bit, this step is required for 64-bit version too in order to install components into the IDE.
Add the following paths:
- (path)\Sources
- (path)\Sources\Design
- (path)\Sources\Next Layout
- (path)\Sources\Next Layout\Design
- (path)\Sources\Next Grid
- (path)\Sources\Next DBGrid
- (path)\Sources\Next Inspector
- (path)\Sources\Next Collection
If you don’t own or need some of the components from the suite, you can omit adding some of the last 4 paths.
64-bit packages
If you want to use components in a 64-bit applications, you need to select 64-bit from same Selected Platform combobox and add run-time only paths.
Building and installing packages
Easiest way of building and installing packages is by opening .groupproj file for your C++ Builder version (e.g. C++ Builder 12.groupproj) that is located under Packages sub-folder.
Building 32-bit packages
Notice: This step is also required for installing 64-bit packages.
After the project group is shown in the IDE, you should nigh-click on every package and chose Build. Make sure that you are building 32-bit Target Platform first.
Installing packages.
Right click on all packages (by following an order) and click Install.
Building 64-bit packages
After all 32bit packages are build and installed. It is required that we switch Target Platform on Run-Time packages we want to use on 64-bit applications.
Design-time packages will still stay 32-bit.
Now is just required to build packages with Target Platform set to Windows 64-bit.