Start by creating a new Blazor Application (Server, client or auto) by choosing the New Project option., or by using an existing Blazor application.
Our components are distributed as NuGet packages, readily accessible from our dedicated server. Utilising these packages is as seamless as working with any other NuGet package, ensuring smooth integration into your projects.
Inside Visual Studio, or any other IDE add a new Nuget Source:
If prompted to provide a username and password, please use the same credentials as those used to log in to the User Section of the BergSoft website.
Source can also be added by using a command line:
NuGet Sources Add -Name "BergSoft" -Source "" -UserName "<your username>" -Password "<your password>"Browse for packages on this new source and download both BergSoft.UI and BergSoft.UI.Blazor packages.
All components in the suite are located within
namespace and therefore it's required to add following line on top of either a page (or other component), or inside _Imports.razor
@using BergSoft.UI @using BergSoft.UI.Blazor
Inside index.html file uncomment (if already is not) line that allows importing styles together with components:
<link href="YourApp.styles.css" rel="stylesheet" />
Now the components can be used in a same maner as any other.